Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Best smiles to date!

Our BIG boy!

On Jake's 2 week checkup, he measured at 10 pounds, 6 ounces, 23.5 inches. He was in the 97 percentile in weight, and off the charts for height. Given his measurements, he's the size of a 2 month old!

Put up your dukes!


Here's a few fun facts about Jacob!

Nicknames: Fussy Buns (Mommy made up a song with this nickname!)
Zero to sixty (Jake goes from happy to grumpy just like a race car going zero to sixty!)
Milk mouth (Need we say more??)

Fun Stuff:
When Jake sneezes, he sneezes twice and then goes "ahhhhh." So cute!
When Jake is Fussy Buns, we go into the bathroom and turn on the shower...Jake loves the sound! But don't try to fool him with the kitchen sink, he knows the difference!

First smiles!

On August 16th Jake flashed his toothless grin for the first time! Mommy and Daddy were jumping around like idiots, and he just kept on smiling at us!

Grumpy elf...

Doesn't he look like he should be in Santa's workshop making toys? We laughed so hard (and yes, at him and not with him). Even Jake doesn't look so happy!

Jake's Jungle

Daddy worked so hard on Jake's jungle room!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jacob's arrived!

Jacob joined our family July 16, 2008 at 1:48pm. He was delivered via c-section, weighing in at a whopping 10.1 pounds and measuring at 22.5 inches long and looking just like his daddy! We couldn't be happier!

Keep up with us!

Welcome to our blog! We'll share photos and Jacob tidbits through this web page. Check back often for updates!