Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

6 month update

Jacob had his 6 month appointment a few weeks ago. He continues to top the charts in height at 29 inches. His weight is in the 70-80th percentile at 19.25lbs. And, they can't measure his cuteness...he's off the charts by a landslide.

Jacob is now sitting up on his own, and blows raspberries.

He has moved daycares and is now very close to mommy's work - we get to visit on lunchtime a few days a week.

No new teeth yet, only the 2 at the bottom. We were certain more were coming in, but nothing yet!

Jacob's getting very interactive now...he actually plays in his exersaucer and enjoys it.

He's not crawling yet, but his legs are so strong that he will stand in your lap if you support him. He also has taken to remote controls, and if he spots one he will nose dive towards it. Funny, but also keeps us on our toes. He has no fear!

He's up to 2 containers of food with every meal...he is a growing boy after all. He recently tried turkey, and that was a hit. We're trying finger foods, but it's slow going. Apparently it's more fun to toss them to the ground.

Mini Red Sox fan!